
Showing posts from December, 2018

It is better this way

The rocks are falling down repeatedly onto my skin. I am still it is as though nothing can move me. The way you used to see me has disappeared but I know it is still there. That smile is peaking through the cracks in the door. They are hiding in that little cupboard we both love, the one we used to hide in when we were kids. I am running through the streets and know you are always on the next one like in a dream. Aching I find my way outside your door but never knock. I know you are there checking in on me when no one is looking. Not the way it appears but in another world separate form this where we both exist. Secrets are being kept and wondering why we never made it in the end. But the end has never happened so one day I will be on my way to you in the way you like. Time stops still and we know it is better this way.


The mirror reflects a tiny window into the abyss. I can see many things and nothing it at all. There is a light in the distance. Revealing the truth of yesterday. The truth never stops being heard. Unless you choose to turn your face the other way. I know you can handle this. Stop the madness and settle in. My bones are telling me all I need to know and you are there covered from head to toe. Hiding out waiting to be found. My heart is happy and my head is messy. The bottles peak out around the corner and lead me to you. Until next time my hands are waiting and I am free. Holding it loosely so you feel it too.