
Showing posts from November, 2021

In another life time

You are in my dreams always, I like to visit you there, in the abyss where time stops and starts and makes all the difference. I am treasuring myself more these days in a way that I could never do before. I am wishing you back to life but that time will never come. Maybe in another life time we will come back to together. It’s a shame we never got to meet for real. I talk to you regardless and the trees also hear my secrets in a way that you used to do.

We become something else. We are free

We are here together yet separate. Together in all the things that are needed but we are free. More free than we have ever been. This is what we have both always needed. I am holding you up yet letting you be who you need to be in all the moments. These moments matter more than you realise. Like when I brush my hands slowly near your face, gently does it but necessary. I send you that knowing sign that I am falling all over again. Falling and letting go into the new things that are emerging each and every day. Times have changed and we are here. In the thick of it. The wilderness holds us. We are standing on the edge of something. We are yet to know what. But deep down we have always known. We embrace it all. Gently and softly we step forward. I am riding my bicycle in my dreams and you are there smiling away holding everything in your hands. You reach out and we become everything else. My dreams are made of everything I need. You brought sandwiches the ones I really like. You think of...