We need taking care of enough to be free
I can't even begin to express how wonderful these things are. The ones that have been hiding for so long have found a way there way to surface. They tiptoed around and whispered just to make sure it was safe and that the coast was clear. They are touching the surface of everything as only these things can. I am sitting here smiling at how the strangest of things can begin to emerge once the space that was left behind begins to fill. The edges are rusty but that doesn't matter, perfection is the killer of all things I good. Things falling out, that overflowing drawer which barely closes, broken shoes and scars that cover your body these are the things that sit well with me. My scars are waiting to be seen by you. You will be running around in your socks the one with the hole in the toe and I will be sitting smiling waiting for you to realise what I know to be true. This is how these things are running away from us. My hair blows in the breeze as we peddle down the street on our...
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