The top was left off
There is a time for things such as these. The moment when the realisations comes in gently. Slowly but surely they are coming to me and I like it. The fighting has stopped and my mind and body are calm. The top was left off and I hadn't noticed at the time. I thought it was somehow firmly screwed on tight no room for any more. But this was not the case. The top is off and more things are allowed to happen. Maybe that's not the right word. It's not over. A stale stench of something undefined is lingering in the air and its mildly unpleasant. But I know it will pass. You are there, you have always been there but my mind and heart were too clouded to see. There has been an opening in the trees and I can see now that I was wrong about it all. This is something I'm working on, I'm changing and I want to see everything for how it is rather than what I thought. The softness if good for me. The trees brush me with there wisdom and I run along the path. My feet do not want...