In between the spaces where we used to be

We have to say everything was good. I must admit that for a while I let you go in my mind. But secretly I just found different ways to distract myself. My heart never let go. You were a dream come true. My hands reached out for you and it felt like home the moment our eyes made contact. It has always felt that way. The leaves all fell off the tree and gave no sign of coming back. One by one, they just took up and left. The black hole got bigger and bigger until it suddenly decided to swallow me whole. My hands had no choice and couldn't hold on any longer. I often send you thoughts along the way down the invisible wires that are between the spaces where we used to be.  There are so many these days. I'm somewhere in the middle of where you are and where I used to be. My secrets are hoping their way back to you across the waves on the empty streets. They will reach you, they know this for certain. What they will find upon their arrival it was scares me the most. They hope its the same old you laughing and smiling with a glint in your eyes.


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