It would make no sense
Things such as these are going on underneath the surface. it may seem obvious or a way of repelling others. Don't look at me, but then do look at me. I am a contradiction, the very thing I want is on the other side of what we know to be possible. I am hanging on but hanging off also. I can see the trees from outside my window, they sway with the breeze but are grounded in a way I wish to be. I am calling you but you don't understand the language that I speak. Will it always be this way? A sense of connection is what we are seeking but we are looking for it in the wrong places. I am underground and you are in the garage, hiding away from the world in an attempt that the truth will come out again in the wash. I look the other way to try to unsee all the things that have come our way but all that happens is my mind is filled with everything I don't want to think of. I am hoping you are finding a way out that heals rather than hurts. Turn your phone off and look at me, let's face this together rather than do it the way we always have. Will we ever have a chance to be seen for who we are? The trees understand in a way we just don't know how to grasp right now. Never mind, I'm taking it all in. It would make no sense if I left. Delete and repeat...
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