No one can hear me
It's like a rollercoaster you can never step foot off. But one that you wouldn't want to anyway. I am leaning in and you are around the back like you always are, why does this feel familiar. I am seeking as always and the dissatisfaction has found me again, I want to hide out again and never come back. I am calling your name and I know this is the real things but find my self wondering or is it wandering? I am always wondering and curious to know if you do too. We are not the ones we were before. We have come back to see if this is what it is all about. You are what I am all about, my fingers type fast and furious and I can't get enough, Its been too long and I don't know where to stop. I never know where to stop. I am longing for you and I cant have you any more. The sand falls between my fingers and beneath my feet and I can reach out and whisper but no one can hear me anymore.
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