I feel safe, like home
There is something there I can see it but it's cloudy. Maybe its hiding and doesn't want to be found like that penny that got stuck down the side of the sofa years ago. Or was it a nickel? I like the word nickel. It leaves my mouth in a way I like and my ears welcome the sound of it. These days things come and go like the wind. It feels different and you're not hear anymore. The house is cold and empty and the floorboards creak with every footprint.
My hair is longer these days and the wrinkles cover my face and hide who I really am. I've always been hiding waiting to be found. My whole life there has been a block in the way a gap between me and them. Me and you. It was always going to stop me until it was faced. Its like a gap in the memories of times gone by. They are coming back to me sometimes slowly sometimes fast. They will reveal themselves in times to come but for now I keep the hope that the block is getting smaller and smaller and one day will fade in to non existence and everything will be fine, better than before and you will understand as you always do. We will look into each others eyes and give each other that look. The knowing look. And we will run where no one can find us and laugh. We are always laughing and no one else knows why because they don't understand. Our jokes are not funny to them. But that doesn't matter anymore and I'm with you and I feel safe. Like home.
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