We will get there in time
I am sifting through all that is before us and it touches everything and nothing at the same time. You are there, you have always been part of me. We re-meet after all this time, life times have seen us together in the way you can not even begin to understand. The breeze is caressing my face and I want you again. I can't get enough. I just want to be near you and feel like home again, that familiar feeling of the way you look at me and I know we have been this way before. The song is playing in the distant and we crank up the volume and let the sounds embody all that we know is true but not. You are sitting on the edge and I pull you close. I have your back and you have mine in a way that is different somehow. We smile as we know that this is not like hanging your washing on the line like everyone else. These moments come thick, fast and naturally as though we were making a cup of tea for a garden of people all waiting for us to say the words which is underneath everyone's breath. We will get there in time, patience my darling. I am always happy to wait as long as it takes.
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